LKG of Machine Learning

I completed Machine learning course by Andrew Ng from CoursEra. This course is known to be LKG to enter into ML field. This course helps to understand the basic concepts of machine learning.
This course is 11 weeks course. It teaches the basics of ML. In stead of focusing on ” how to do things”, it talks about ” How things work” – Basic concepts of machine learning. Like some one said, on the subject of car, some courses teach how to drive car, while some other teach what is car’s parts, what makes car move. This course is of second category.

Getting 4.9 out of 5 from 112 K learners from all over the world is not a mean task to achieve. 2 Million + people registered this course across the globe.

Further this course is approved in iEvolve to get the certification cost reimbursement.
About Author: Andrew Ng is one of the premier persons in AI field. He is co-founder of Google brain. and he is also the co-founder of CoursEra. He was VP of Baidu. His goal is to democratize AI.

Course content:

Format of the course : this is 11 week course. Each week has atleast one quiz to clear to get grade. Some of the weeks have two quizes. Except for week 1,10,11 , remaining weeks have assignments. These assignments of partly filled leaving some space to be filled which will be mostly from that week’s class. There are two options for programming assignment(matlab and octave). I chose Octave as it is free. Submitting the exercise is very simple, do whatever changes need to be made in the code first locally, and then use submit.m script to submit to CoursEra.

Advantages of the course:
1) Andrew is Adjunct professor from Stanford university, he mastered the art of the teaching. He starts with the simple examples(despite he is big researcher and has deep knowledge and can come down to the level of student and sail along with you)
2)Andrew Ng course is psychologically attached with the student, because of his powerful narration. He is known for these statements “if you do not know this now, do not worry about it”, “concretely you will know this”

He builds the complexity little by little, that reader even never realizes that he crossed to next level
3) Examples used in the class are from real life usecases and very simple.
4) Some useful tips on building machine learning systems
If I have to rate Andrew’s course out of 5 stars, I would give it 10 stars.

What next?
After completing the course, I am planning to take up below steps

Deeplearning course which has programming assignment on car detection, art generation, facial recognition
2) Join kaggle & get data
3) Collect samples on practical problems and share it on Github
While taking this course, I also referred below courses (as a cross reference)
online Book

Intel ML cousrse

Google ML crash course

Hitesh youtube channel

Siraj Youtube channel

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