Flutter : Create CSV file in dart
|Flutter is a new cross platform mobile development framework by google. I have been developing flutters apps from a year. Recently I came across a library that helps to export the data to CSV file. Strictly speaking this type of logic should be on server side (exporting data to different file formats). There might be situation where you need to do it on client side. In such situations this plugin come in handy. In this post I will explain how to do this with CSV library.
Steps to export data to csv file from a flutter app:
- Add csv plugin in pubspec.yaml
- Import it in the dart file that handles csv file creation.
- For android , writeExternalStorage permission needs to be given in the manifest file
- ListToCsvConverter().convert(rows) is used to convert a list of items into a csv file. Here rows is of type List<List<dynamic>>, i e rows is a list of list. Inner list refer to colums of a row in csv file , and outer list refer to rows in the file.
Consider below data set
Name Gender Age
Peter Male 25
Samy Male 32
Steve Male 22
getCsv() is a function in dart to convert list to csv file.
getCsv() async { //create an element rows of type list of list. All the above data set are stored in associate list //Let associate be a model class with attributes name,gender and age and associateList be a list of associate model class. List<List<dynamic>> rows = List<List<dynamic>>(); for (int i = 0; i <associateList.length;i++) { //row refer to each column of a row in csv file and rows refer to each row in a file List<dynamic> row = List(); row.add(associateList[i].name); row.add(associateList[i].gender); row.add(associateList[i].age); rows.add(row); } await SimplePermissions.requestPermission(Permission. WriteExternalStorage); bool checkPermission=await SimplePermissions.checkPermission(Permission.WriteExternalStorage); if(checkPermission) { //store file in documents folder String dir = (await getExternalStorageDirectory()).absolute.path + "/documents"; file = "$dir"; print(LOGTAG+" FILE " + file); File f = new File(file+"filename.csv"); // convert rows to String and write as csv file String csv = const ListToCsvConverter().convert(rows); f.writeAsString(csv); } }
cant open .csv file
You are able to download it right? Can try opening it as excel?
Where is this function getExternalStorageDirectory()
Refer this documentation to know more about this function
THis function is part of Path_provider lib https://pub.dev/packages/path_provider
How i can encode base 64 each rows of csv ?
try converting each element to base 64 or full file to base64
How to add header for file.csv?
You can know the README of it
Is it possible to create/export on Flutter web?
Unfortunately, it uses the plugin.
it doesn’t support all platforms.
do you have full code?tq
How to convert list of object into CSV. Not list of list.
Good !!!! but please where can I put the SimplePermission? it shows me an error.
whats the error ?
This code doesn’t write import.
It brought from
MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method requestPermission on channel simple_permissions)
solve this for me please or tell something why it is happening
how we can download csv file in our device?