Impact of AI on everyday life
|In this post I would like to discuss about how different aspects of our life are affected by AI. I took an example of working employee’s daily journey from 8 AM to 8 PM.

- at 8 AM, he started going to office by booking Uber cab
- at 9 AM, after reaching office he checks mails
- at 10 AM, he has to meet another person, he checks google map to find location
- at 11 AM, he checks google assistant to know weather and traffic at few places
- at 12, after meeting is over, he takes a picture with the person using portrait mode of android phone
- at 1 PM, he orders lunch through Swiggy
- at 2 pm, based on his meeting outcome, he is making presentation and checks google for few inputs
- at 3 PM, he got delivered a parcel
- at 4 PM, his work related tasks, he refers few applications
- at 5 PM, he got a phone call about bank fraud on his card, because of Two factor authentication it got stopped
- at 6 PM, on his way home, he is checking google news
- at 7 PM, after reaching home, he checks Netflix and Youtube to get some entertainment
This routine will be similar for most of us. Let us take a deeper look at each stage , how AI impacts our every day life
- at 8 AM, ,Uber uses AI techniques to provide pricing and better route
- at 9 AM,Email uses two ways of AI, one to filter the SPAM mails and also provide smart reply
- at 10 AM, Google maps provide recommendations based on his earlier searches
- at 11 AM, Google assistant uses AI for speech recognition and NLP
- at 12, portrait mode uses AI, face identification uses AI techniques
- at 1 PM, Swiggy optimizes the delivery schedule using AI
- at 2 pm, Google BERT algorithm makes better search
- at 3 PM, Amazon uses AI for route optimisation for parcel delivery
- at 4 PM, his work related tasks, he refers few applications
- at 5 PM, Bank fraud detection uses anomaly detection techniques
- at 6 PM, Google news uses clustering technique to group the news items
- at 7 PM, AI makes recommendation engine based on profile, on netflix and youtube
In short, AI is penetrating into our lives every moment. Almost all industries are impacted in one way or other way by AI

Three ways , AI makes impact on industries
1. Automating tasks which is done by human (like monitoring )
2. Making use of data and derive deep insights
3. Create new business models

Make a comment, how your life is getting impacted by AI…